
dimanche 24 janvier 2021

City Hall As Seen From Park Row 1870 In COLOR


The photographic firm of E. & H.T. Anthony & Co. captured this unusual view of latest York’s hall on a warm sunny day in 1870.

The view shows a vacant plaza ahead of this normally bustling area .Awnings provide shade on a couple of of the windows at hall . Against the fence there are some ghostly sorts of people with umbrellas to shield themselves from the sun. But besides those people and therefore the horse drawn omnibus with some passengers making its way north on Park Row, the scene is quite desolate.

The two clocks on City Hall’s tower don't accept as true with each other . The time is somewhere between 14.10 and 15.15.

While we always consider ny as a bustling city, 1870s ny life was at a slower pace. Communication is completed face to face , through the mails or by telegraph. A telephone pole stands across Park Row and a smaller pole is on the roof of hall .

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